Wednesday, December 31
Final thing for the year!
[01] Real name : Nurul Farhana Musa
[02] Nickname : Nurul
[03] Status : na
[04] Zodiac Aquarius
[05] Gender : Female
[06] Age : 20
[07] High School : Tunku Kurshiah College, Seremban
[08] College : Multimedia University, Cyberjaya
[09] Height : 161 cm
[10] Weight : 50 kg
[11] Do you like yourself : na
[12] Piercings : Both ears
[13] Right or left : Right-handed
[14] Are you a freak : na
[15] Hair : Wavy
[16] Skin : Getting darker every day
[17] Allergic : Seafood
[18] What are you doing now : Watching House
[19] What will you doing 1 hour later : Shower
[20] What will you doing 10 years later : Babysit my kids?
[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family : Elder brother
[22] Siblings(included you) : Three
[23] Eldest : Brother
[24] Youngest : Brother
[25] Love/hate your family : na
[26] You found your another half : Not yet
[27] If yes, who is he/she : na
[28] Who you want he/she to be : na
[29] Time(s) you in relationship : na
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo : na
[37] Reasons you love your other half : na
[38] You and your other half in which stage : na
[43] The friends you love the most : Whose can share laugh and tears
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only) : na
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend : Nur Atiyah
[46] Your most handsome boy friend : na
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most : na
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most : na
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover : No!
[51] If your friend backstabbing you : As long as she happy
[52] If your friend betray you : Let she be.
[54] If your friends fall in love with you : I'll consider.
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend : Let time be the judge.
[56] Are you a good student : na
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments : Yes
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most : na
[59] Always late to school/college : Sometimes
[60] Your class : Relaxing
[64] Excellent result classmate : Ain
[75] You are what kind of people : talkative, very much!
[76] Lip or eyes : Eye-lashes?
[77] Hugs or kisses : Hug
[78] Shorter or taller : Taller, makes me feel secure.
[81] Listener or talker : Obviously talker. So people, shut up!
[82] Romantic or rich : Both!
[83] Good husband/wife or Good Father/mother : Both!
Wednesday, December 24
tawar hati
aku penat
penat nak melayan
dan aku dah tawar hati
lagi tawar dari air kosong jumbo kat terminal
mungkin aku yg terlalu sensitive
sbb tinggal solat la ni
aku lalai
aku lagho
aku tersasar
dari objective sebenar hidup aku
oleh sebab itu
Tuhan tunjuk kat aku live ape dah jadi dgn hidup aku hari ni dan hari semalam
ya Allah
tunjuk kan lah aku pangkal jalan
bawak aku pulang
aku insaf
aku sedar
aku mohon keampunan.
Sunday, December 21
Tuesday, December 16
ari rabu ade midterm accounting
tapi sempat buat tag lagi
time kasih kpd org yg tag
at least ade urge utk update :D
firstly tag by shidan - tak buat pun, tapi re-tag by fan
7 fakta tentang nurul
1 - mudah kena sesema
2 - mengada-ngada gilaa
3 - suka maths, tapi malas nak kira
4 - berat lebih 50kg
5 - tak reti cakap 'tak'
6 - byk gilaa bercakap
7 - gemuk sbenar nye
7 perkara yang menakutkan di dunia
1 - accident keta
2 - kena rompak
3 - drive sorg-sorg lepas pukul 12am
4 - kena paksa makan benda yg tak suke
5 - kena tinggal sorg kat tempat baru
6 - tak bercakap seharian
7 - pc kena rompak
7 lagu buat masa sekarang
1 - light on, david cook
2 - fall for you, secondhand serenade
3 - sempat memiliki, yuno & novie
4 - love bugs, jonas brothers
5 - simple song, miley cyrus
6 - lucky, jason mraz
7 - love story, taylor swift
7 perkara selalu sebut
1 - yek? yek?
2 - pacak lengkung
3 - babi laa
4 - ampes jee
5 - mane adee
6 - tiutt jee
7 - eh nurul pulakk
7 perkara yg amat bernilai
1 - makayah
2 - hidup ini
3 - abg-adik-kakawin
4 - baby nureen
5 - kawan-kawan
6 - otak sendirik
7 - hati dan perasaan
7 pertama kali dapat hidup nurul
1 - tak sambut raya dgn family pada tahun 2008
2 - dapat handphone masa form 1
3 - pegi luar negara ber-seorangan masa form 1
4 - miliki computer sendirik tahun 2007, laptop 2006, kereta 2006
5 - beli handphone guna duit poket sendirik tahun 2007
6 - bercinta dgn classmate *tapi dah break off after 2 years*
7 - drive long distance, cyberjaya - perlis tahun 2006
7 org yg bertuah menjawab tag ini - 7 org yg latest tulis kat shotbox and comment* korg je yg rajin lawat blog ni*
1 - hafiz/masta
2 - ashraafkomplen
3 - yati
4 - amir
5 - ana
6 - adi
7 - ijat
okay this is the second tag
ana yg tag
nakal ni ana nii.
Picture Desk Perfect
1. Take a picture of your desk/table
2. Don't change anything
3.Don't edit anything
4.Try to explain what's on your desk
5. Tag someoneokayy
let see
tgh-tgh tu obviously la monitor
kiri kanan ade speaker
atas speaker kiri, ada lampu led utk guna time blackout
atas speaker kanan, ada pokok kecik yg kiut
pastu kat bawah meja ade cpu, ada printer, and speaker punye mak - kat atas tu anak-anak die je
okay, naik atas pulak
atas rak-rak tu, mcm-mcm ada
buku, pensel, perfume, rexona teens
pastu yg tampal-tampal tu pulak
ada birthdate, ade student id kawan-kawan
ada number phone academic advisor
ada lukisan from ym doodle
and yg kat dinding tu pulak
timetable utk current trimester
oh ya
and koala bear tu, from nabil
utk tag, post ni tag je sape2 yg bace
jujur aa
buat tauuu
pastu link back
nak tgk meja korg jugak
Sunday, December 14
permission require
sila email utk invitation
n.farhana68 [at]
Thursday, December 4
balik kampung.
ada kenduri kawin
aku malas nak packing.
Monday, December 1
Friday, November 28
oh shidan!
tapi tanak buat.
kalau korg nak sgt tau
tujuh perkara,
tujuh orang,
tujuh activity,
dan segala-gala nya tujuh
sila tanyaa okay?
dan sila jangan malu-malu.
ps : thank you shidan sbb ko masih ingat kewujudan aku kat muka bumi ni.
ye fan
aku tag ko.
refer page shidan utk soalan-soalan die okay?
fan mmg best!
Monday, November 24
selamat pagi cinta
mmg cerita tu keep us hanging
but ok laa
ps : kan best kalau pagi-pagi, ade org anta msg 'selamat pagi cinta'
Friday, November 21
9-8, perdana impian
bagus. aku dah boleh online selama 24 jam utk RM 6
tak sia-sia aku try
online, online - tgk tv, tgk tv
okay, bosan sudah
sambung buat tutorial yg tak siap smalam
okayy, apesal tak balance debit dgn credit ni?
shit laaa
notes payable tu ape jadah nyaa?
mane hilang lagi 680 ni?
apesal account aku ni tak balance?
betol ke tak format unadjusted trial balance aku ni?
okay. aku tinggal je soalan PR2-6A dgn PR2-6B
tido terus.
ps : sape dpt buat soalan tu, tolong share jawapan dgn aku. aku blanjaa air kosong jumbo. time kasih.
Thursday, November 20
pukul 2 pagi
principle of accounting
jangan korg kate aku rajin
sbb aku malas la aku buat now ni
buku yg tebal
tak mungkin aku bawak balik weekend ni
sgt tebal lagi berat
without calculator
susah jugak accounting ni
oh mouse aku
boleh bertuka color up to 8 color okay.
*tutup buku accounting - turn on monitor*
Saturday, November 15
ye. aku sayang die.
kire nye sebulan la aku dok sorg-sorg kat kajang
ape aku nak buat kat kajang?
dgn sape aku nak borak?
sape nak kacau aku tido time maghrib?
takde org nak pakse aku potong bawang?
baru la aku sedar erti kensunyian
tanpa abang aku
bosan - sunyi - sangap
cepat la abis kursus - aku bosan!
Thursday, November 13
yes. goodnight.
esok aku exam
malam ni aku emo
oh tolong la nurul
grow up!
aku rasa shit sgt bila people keep calling aku as budak kecik
kecik sgt ke aku ni?
tak mature sgt ke aku ni?
tak cukup ke aku act mature selama hari ni?
nak sgt tgk perangai budak-budak aku?
aku tak paham
its aku yang budak-budak?
or people around aku yg treat aku mcm budak-budak?
F you okay?
oh ya. i think its time to cut the chain and move on. i know i can do it.
Monday, November 10
first day of class
God made my day so beautiful
thank you.
Tuesday, November 4
result exam mmu dah kluar
jadi paham-paham sendirik
jgn nak tanya aku banyak-banyak
aku tgh emo
shit gilaa
sebab aku sesemaa?
setelah aku kaji-kaji dgn beberapa org kawan
ternyata - sumber yg aku dapat ni
agak boleh dipercayai
kan kan?Berikut disenaraikan kajian mengenai bulan dan sikap anda, yang telah dijalankan oleh
Yang Berbahagia Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah.* Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius, suka mendidik dan dididik.
* Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik.
* Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan.
* Suka pada kecantikan, kekemasan dan teratur.
* Bersifat sensitif dan berfikiran mendalam.
* Pandai mengambil hati orang lain.
* Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang.
* Agak pemalu dan mempunyai daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi.
* Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri.
* Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema.
* Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya.
* Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak.
* Suka duduk di rumah.
* Setia pada segala-galanya.
* Perlu belajar kemahiran bersosial.
* Sifat cemburu yang sangat tinggi
budak yg lahir january ni senang nak kena sesemaa
kalau korg nak check korg nye pulak
jgn segan-segan
check out website ni
Monday, November 3
gelang kaki
mak, ayah, adik aku sume dalam bilik aku
aku pun tak tau knape diorg suke sgt lepak kat bilik aku
ade aircon? bilik diorg pun ade aircon
ade pc? bukan nye diorg guna pc aku
ade katil best? katil diorg lagi best aku rasa
ade aku? haa. itu la kot
sbb aku cakap tak henti²
buat diorg terhibur.
aku ni badut ke buat korg gelak?
damn laa
okay sambung cerita aku
aku masuk je
ayah aku buat gelabah
selak selimut aku
angkat bantal aku
buat mcm carik benda
aku pun tanya kat ayah aku
nurul : huh?! ayah carik apa ni?
ayah : ...
nurul : ayah! ayah carik apaaa??
ayah : anak kucing.
ayah : ayah dengar bunyi loceng
ayah : macam loceng kucing pakai tuu
nurul : pft.
mak dgn adik aku bantai gelak.
aku tutup lampu
off speaker
off aircond
aku kluar bilik.
Saturday, November 1
mak aku
tapi rasa nye pompuan mmg suke nangis
tak kisah la sbb kena marah ke
sedih ke, sakit ke, kena tinggal ke
tadi aku pegi dapur - masuk toilet
aku bukak pintu toilet - dgr adik aku gelak
kuat gilaa ok!
aku lari-lari pegi depan
nurul : knape? knape?
adik : mak nangis!
nurul : huh?! wtf? apesal?
adik : ... *minum air sarsi tanpa layan apa yg aku tanya*
nurul : pft!
pastu aku lari gi kat mak aku.
nurul : mak, apesal nangis?
mak : cite hindustan ni sedih.
nurul : ...
mak : tgk. laki tu pun nangis.
mak : diorg ni dah lame terpisah
mak : lepas pompuan tu sakit
mak : diorg baik ² balik.
nurul : ...
aku malas nak layan
aku masuk bilik
tulis blog
Friday, October 31
dah 27 kali check onlinecyber ni.
mane? mane? takde pun.
korg jahat. korg tipu aku kan?
Thursday, October 30
tanpa undangan
kamu datang
bile malam je,
kamu datang ganggu lagi
kadang-kadang satu,
kadang-kadang dua,
suke sangat ganggu aku,
tak boleh ke pegi kacau org lain?
tau la aku tgh bahagia,
tapi kamu datang kacau
*syuh syuh*
pegi main jauh-jauh wahai selsema!
abis sakit idung aku T_T
Sunday, October 26
Saturday, October 25
charlie bit me - again!
something utk dikongsikan. mari gelak!
Wednesday, October 22
Tuesday, October 21
Oh! speed traps location!!
ini aku copy dari ceghap utk dikongsikan dengan teman-teman yg memandu utk pulang bercuti.
Guys, be aware of these while driving, and for those who live in the fast lane, heads up comrades.


North Bound
*Around Ayer Hitam in 60km/h zone.
*Before Perwaja Steel.
*Sungai Petani junction.
*Between Seberang Jaya junction and Sungai Dua Toll.
*Penang Bridge at island end. Speed limit 80km/h.
South Bound
*Penang Bridge island end. Speed limit 80km/h.
*About 2km before Juru Toll Speed, limit 90km/h.
North Bound
*Under the bridge at 197.1km and 198.8km, after Kamunting Junction.
*Under the bridge at 204.3km, after Kamunting Junction.
*Under the bridge at 208km, before Kamunting Junction.
*Under the bridge at 214.8km, before Kamunting junction.
*Ipoh Vista Point at about 263km. Speed limit 80km/h.
*Under the bridge at 271km, Ipoh North Junction.
*Under the bridge at 274.4km, Ipoh South Junction.
*Under the bridge at 286.9km, Simpang Pulai Junction.
*Under the bridge at 296km, Gopeng Junction.
*Under the bridge at 352.6km, after Sungkai Junction.
*Under the bridge at 353km, Sungkai Junction.
*Under the bridge at 373km, Slim River Junction.
South Bound
*Under the bridge at 199km, before Kamunting junction.
*Under the bridge at 241.9km, at Kuala Kangsar junction.
*Under the sign post at 296.1km, before Gopeng Junction.
*Under the bridge at 297km, at Gopeng Junction.
*Under the bridge at 300km, after Gopeng junction.
*Under the bridge at 308.6km, after Gopeng junction.
*Under the bridge at 372.6km, at Slim River junction.
PLUS North Bound*Under a bridge at about 456km, Sungai Buloh junction.
*Under a bridge at about 459km, Bukit Lanjan interchanges.
*Under the overhead restaurant at Sungai Buloh.
*Under the last bridge before Sungai Besi toll at 309.2km.
*Under the bridge at 296.5km, Bangi junction.
*Under the newly constructed bridge at 289.0km, after Nilai North junction.
*Under the bridge at 286.5km, Nilai North junction.
PLUS South Bound
*Below signboard at about 454.6km and 455.2km, Sungai Buloh lay by.
*Under the bridge after Subang junction at 11.3km.
*Under the bridge at 22km, Bukit Lanjan junction.
*Under the bridge before Mint hotel, Sungai Besi Toll. 80km/h only!
*Under the bridge at 302.8km, Kajang junction.
*About 1km south of Bangi junction, both south and north bound outer lanes
*At 296.5km and 297km, Bangi junction.
*Under the newly constructed bridge at 289.0km, before Nilai North junction.
*At 285.5km and 285.8km, Nilai North junction.
*On center divider at 251.8km and 253km after Senawang junction.
*After Alor Gajah junction at 213.9km, next to water theme park.
*Behind the right hand crash barrier at 198.4km.
Elite Central Link East/North Bound
*On left hand side at 4.8km after Batu Tiga/Shah Alam exit
*Under the overhead restaurant at USJ/Hicom junction about 8.5km. 90km/h zone!
*Below the bridge before USJ/Hicom junction at 10.5km.
Elite Central Link West/South Bound
*Under the overhead restaurant at USJ/Hicom junction about 8.5km. 90km/h zone!
*Below the bridge before USJ/Hicom junction at 10.5km.
*After exit from KLIA toll to the airport, below Jalan Pekeliling flyover. 90km/h
NKVE East/North Bound
*300m before Jalan Duta toll, 60km/h!
*Behind crash barrier on the left when going toward Jalan Duta toll, at 24.9km, 80km/h!
*Below bridge at Damansara Junction, 17.5km
NKVE West/South Bound
*Behind crash barrier on the left when leaving Jalan Duta toll from KL, at 25.3 km and 25.7km, 80km/h!
*From Jalan Duta, below the bridge, 23km, 80km/h zone!
*From Jalan Duta, at the underpass at Sungai Buloh Y-junction, 22km.
*Behind crash barrier at Damansara Junction, 17.7km and 16.8km
*Below railway bridge at 11.2km
*Under the bridge at Shah Alam junction.
Kesas East Bound
*Under the bridge at 44.8km, downhill run after Puchong junction.
Kesas West Bound
*At Sungai Besi side of East Bound Toll.
Kuala Lumpur City
*Jalan Duta; below the flyover at the Damansara junction, 70km/h zone.
*Dual carriageway between Klang and Port Klang. Toward Klang direction, at about 13km milestone. 70km/h only!
East Coast
*Road sign at Karak highway is inadequate especially at Y junction; if you are unfamiliar, go slow.
*East bound, downhill run after Raub junction.
*Maran, 60km/h zone.
*Paya Bungor, 70km/h zone.
North Bound
*No known location.
South Bound
*Tangkak junction.
*Under the bridge after Yong Peng
North junction
* At 97.3km.
*Ayer Hitam junction.
*Sedenak junction.
Monday, October 20
finally after over than 3 months.
last skali balik sini time nureen was less than 4 weeks
and now she is 4 months old
maksud nye, aku dah 3 bulan lebih tak balik sini
glad to be at home
safe and sound
the journey was really tiring
bertolak pukul 11am and sampai around 5 something
tersangkut di changlun akibat banjir, demmit
abis kereta aku
tenggelam about 0.5 meter
sgt excited utk menulis
tapi dah blank
Thursday, October 16
mereka sungguh bahagia
tgk diorg dah abis exam.
Wednesday, October 15
+8 ok?
sila tambah 8, pada time utk post-post aku sbelum ni ok?
aku lupa tukar setting
Tuesday, October 14
pendapat org
pendapat manusia 1
cepat menuding jari
cepat melatah
perasan bagus/hebat
kacang lupa kan kulit
pendapat manusia 2
cepat melenting
pendapat manusia 3
takde otak
tak reti pikir
pendapat manusia 4
cepat sgt assume
tanak trime kenyataan
tak professional
pfft. kan aku dah kata. setiap 10 minit, blog aku di'refresh'kan. aku mmg ada peminat. bukan la peminat yg mcm raingers suma tu. tapi ada yg berminat nak tau kisah suka duka hidup aku. adoi la. ape la. takpe takpe. i'll keep posting every now and then. keep interested yeh?
*gelak puas hati*
mcm badut
pastu teringat benda yg dah lepas
mmg mampu buat aku gelak sorg²
korg mmg boleh buat aku gelak.
time kasih kerana melawat blog ini setiap masa
utk mengetahui perkembangan semasa monolog dalaman aku
*rujuk monolog dalaman from buku-buku spm korg dulu*
manusia hari ini
cepat sgt melatah
aku baru ckp sikit, dah nak emo
pesal kamu?
oh, pasal jage mulut
tak kan terasa pedas kalau dah tak makan cili
mesti la makan cili
sebab tu terasa pedas kan?
nak benci aku?
benci lah
aku tak pernah kesah
aku mmg dah biase kena benci ngan org ni
dah imune
mmg aku suke hipokrit
nak jage hati korg
tapi kalau korg dah buat palat
larat ke aku nak jage lagi
sudah sudah la tu manusia
aku tak penah berdendam dgn korg
cakap lah sesuka hati
cuma aku mintak maaf lah
kalau aku asyik ikut je ke mane korg pegi
sebab nanti kalau tak ikot
korg kecik ati
kalau aku penah tolong korg buat assignment
sebab kalau aku tak tolong
korg kata aku blagak
kalau aku amik berat pasal korg
sebab kalau aku tak amik berat
korg kata aku kerek
maaf lah jugak kalau ape yg aku buat selama ari ni
menyinggung perasaan korg
ye la
aku tau
hati manusia sgt fragile.
Monday, October 13
minggu ini
kamu nangis tak henti-henti dlm keta,
sampai abg kena hantar adik sampai melaka,
asal adik buat macam tu,
bila adik ni nak paham ape yg kitorg rase,
cepat la besaa.
kalau setakat nak msg henpon - ape masuk exam?
baik tak payah,
bukan takde tulis kat mmls,
knape mesti nak tanye,
dah tak reti nak check mmls ke.
call pagi-pagi buta, tanya pasal benda yg tak penting,
ada ke patut,
org tgh siap-siap nak pegi exam kan,
kita kan exam hari ni,
lepas tu suka-suka cakap org kedekut,
ade kaitan ke,
tolong jaga mulut anda,
hati manusia ni fragile okay.
time kasih banyak-banyak,
minggu ni mmg worst,
tapi korg tolong byk benda,
teman beli kasut,
amik dari umah,
bawak makan,
layan time mereng,
call bila perlu,
walaupun jauh,
dan kita tak penah kenal,
tapi tetap tanya hari-hari aku,
jasa korg dikenang.
malas sgt nak study musim exam,
dah la kereta takde di sisi,
duit plak tak tukar lagi, boleh ke blanje sing dollar kat hostel,
hidup ni mmg tak best bila musim exam.
Wednesday, October 8
Win a free handbag!

Handbag Planet is almost here. To celebrate the October 15, 2008 launch, they are giving away a free handbag every hour for 24 hours on the day of the launch. Their high fashion, trendy handbags are inspired by popular designer brands and priced between $30 and $80.After signing-up in one easy step below, you can select the handbag you would like to win. There's absolutely no catch - this means no shipping/handling fees or credit card required. Yes, it's really that simple! Simply click on the link :
i think,
an eternity is forever, and forever with you would be a dream come true.
Monday, October 6
back from singapore!
okay. picture speaks a thousand words. so, here the go :

and talking about visit hong kong this november
Friday, October 3
raya di perantauan.
ps : i am influence by people to put up photos in the blog which i never did before.
Friday, September 26
Monday, September 15
hari yang penat
kalau boleh nak je beli teh o ais. mesti sedap, hari panas, minum air sejuk. *pheww* kalau time kecik² dulu, kalau dahaga, mak ckp boleh puase separuh hari. benda tu boleh apply lagi tak hari ni? saye mmg betol² tak larat ni makk~ boleh laa~
Saturday, September 13
confused, but still move on.
so keep interested, yeah? i will be posting here too every now and then.